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Seminar «Biogas technology»

Seminar «Biogas technology for sustainable bioenergy production»»

Location: Jyväskylän yliopisto, Agora Auditorio 1, Finland 

Date: 28th April 2009




Biogas technology for sustainable bioenergy production (PDF 66 KB)

Pia Salokoski, Tekes, Finland

Biogas for sustainable future (PDF 1750 KB)

Arthur Wellinger, Nova Energie Ltd, Switzerland

Biogas in Finland (PDF 1050)

Annimari Lehtomäki, Jyväskylä Innovation Ltd, Finland

Policies to promote biogas in EU (PDF 170 KB)

David Baxter, European Commission



Biogas in Germany (PDF 375)

Peter Weiland, Federal Agricultur Research Centre, Saksa, Germany

Experience of large scale use of crops for biogas production (PDF 1340 KB)

Rudolf Braun, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Austria

Processing digestate to valuable products (PDF 2060 KB)

Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Developing the use of digestate in the UK

Clare Lukehurst, FBIAC, Iso-Britannia, UK

Biomethan as vehicle fuel (PDF 2930 KB)

Anneli Petersson, Swedish Gas Centre, Sweden

Biogas use and application – experiences and visions in the Netherlands (PDF 650 KB)

Mathieu Dumont, Senter Novem, The Netherlands
