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PublicationsAbout Task 37


3. Work program

3.1    Exchange of ideas and experiences between the member countries

3.2    Quality management

3.3    Biogas as fuel

3.4    Potential of Co-digestion

3.5    Landfill digestion and gas extraction

3.6    Feedstock separation and pretreatment of waste materials to be 
        anaerobically digested

3.7    Homepage

3.8    Information exchange - national/international industry forum

3.9    Exchange of research information

3.10  Industrial waste water treatment - High rate digesters


3. Work program

The work program has been developed on the basis of three actions:

1.    Information collation on the actual interests and on-going programs in the
       actual member states and in potential member states (pull effect)
2.    Actual trends in design and
       development of new plants (P&D-installations) and equipment (push effect).
3.    Assist participating and non-participating countries in adopting appropriate.

In the following we will highlight a few topics to be treated during the next task. However, the final choice of projects and the detailed POW (priorities) will be set during the first Task meeting by the participating members.


3.1    Exchange of ideas and experiences between the member

This exchange generates a greater knowledge and new initiatives within the Task and hereby a possibility to a knowledge exchange to groups, organisations, industries, researchers etc. outside IEA by produced deliverables, workshops and seminars organised by the Task.
When meetings are held within the Task we should also meet with governmental agencies and industry in the actual countries in order to catch up with the latest development in legislation, subsidiary and tax politics.

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3.2    Quality management

The quality of the compost as well as potential air and water emissions are often a barrier to the application of AD-processes. In particular the compost quality has to fulfill high standards with respect to hygiene, chemical and physical composition as well as maturity. The work started during the last two Task should be continued in collaboration with other national an international working groups or associations such as Waste for Energy, AD-Nett or Veterinarian Associations.
It is planned to hold a workshop or seminar in conjunction with AD-Nett, ALTENER or other networks. The workshop could also cover topic 6 «Feedstock Separation».

Work program


3.3    Biogas as fuel


The energy use of biogas is one of the Task’s major items. The Task focused on this in the former period through the project on upgrading and utilisation of biogas resulting in a brochure. The aim is that this topic is to be updated on the web page or in the brochure when the current one is out of print. In the update we want to include:
c   a review of electricity generation technologies (motors, turbines, fuel cells),
c   a presentation of the potential of co-operating with the natural gas industry and
      natural gas grid market potential,
c   upgraded biogas quality harmonisation between countries (for vehicle fuel use).

The big environmental benefits of biogas as vehicle fuel will be highlighted. New biogas (or natural gas) engines as well as vehicle designs shall be promoted through marketing projects (tours or exhibitions) in collaboration with ENGVA.

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3.4    Potential of Co-digestion


Co-digestion of MSW and other bio-wastes such as organic industrial waste together with manure is applied at several plants. Increasingly also energy crops are applied. Within the next Task period we want to discuss the merits and limits of these different Co-substrates. Basic information for plant operators, administration and politicians is to be collated. The following activities are planned:
c   Brochure on “Trends in Co-digestion”
c   Support or coordinate workshops
c   Exchange information with searchers.

Work program


3.5    Landfill digestion and gas extraction


Landfill digestion technologies as well as landfill gas capture methodologies have to be reviewed. This will be done in conjunction with the Dutch Novem and IEA Task on Energy from Intergated Solid Waste Management and the IEA CADDET Renewable Energy Technologies Programme.

Within this activity we will also try to give an answer to the question: How can AD-technology help to reduce organics to landfilling? This is, especially in the EC, a big question within the next three year period due to already existing or coming limitations or prohibitions on landfilling of organic waste.

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3.6    Feedstock separation and pretreatment of waste
        materials to be anaerobically digested


Concerning the quality of digestate a very important matter is the choice of system for feedstock separation and pretreatment. This matter was already discussed and worked on in the former Task period but will be concluded within the next Task period. The different possibilities of separation such as source separation, centralised separation or stabilisation by pre-treatment of the organic fraction of household waste will be covered. Emphasis will be put on limitations of different AD technologies and end uses.

Work program


3.7    Homepage


A homepage for the Task will be produced in order to have fast and easy access to the outcome of the activities within the Task. The homepage will among other things include:
c   reference plant list with a special presentation of “good examples”
c   publication list
c   upgrading of biogas presentation with reference list (from brochure)


3.8    Information exchange – national/international
      industry forum


In order to avoid double work either in different member countries or in different networks a very important part of the Task work is to exchange information with national and international networks.The national networks can be biomass or biogas associations and the information exchange with them is made by each country representative. The preferential international networks are: AD-net, WfE, ENGVA, IANGV, IEA CADDET and the American Biomass Association.

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Within the Task we also aim to put together an industrial forum to exchange experiences and information with the industry (contractors, suppliers, engineering companies etc.). This industrial forum will start as a “kick-off”-meeting with the industry invited and thereafter a communication will be held with them on our homepage.

Work Programm


3.9    Exchange of research information


The development of full-scale digestion has made large progress towards simpler designs at lower cost. Better understanding of the digestion process allows the application of a wider range of material at higher loading rates. However, this progress led at the same time to new bottle necks. New research projects became a necessity. A special workshop should be dedicated to the exchange of research results and ongoing research projects.


3.10    Industrial waste water treatment – High rate digesters


Waste water treatment or pre-treatment with high organic loads by anaerobic digestion in one of the biggest success-stories. Far over 1’000 installations are operated worldwide. This relevant technology, which is applied in all continents, should be documented in an information brochure addressed to decision makers and potential operators. Even though the technology is widely applied, there is still a large potential. The AD not only reduces the emissions but is also economically a very viable option for waste water treatment.
